Smartland Property Management is a registered trade name of Smartland, LLC. Smartland is a registered trade name of Cleveland Restoration Group, LLC, Smartland Investments is a registered trade name of Cleveland Restoration Group, LLC.
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Smartland® is a real estate investment management firm and as such Smartland® and its website,, seek to assist clients with real estate investment, management, and renovation. The information available at is intended for the sole purpose of educating clients and website visitors and is by no means definitive.
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The “Contact Us” page on is designed to open communication between site visitors and the representatives of Smartland®. Several different departments are represented and any inquiries should be addressed to the appropriate contact address. While Smartland® makes every effort to forward any misdirected correspondences accordingly, Smartland® cannot be held responsible for any mis-addressed inquiries.
Property Management Disclosure
Upon hiring Smartland® for investment services no client shall be obligated to utilize Smartland® as their property management service. While Smartland® feels that it would be the most appropriate choice for your property management, you are free at any time to hire a different property management company of your choosing or to manage your property independently.
Calculators and Planning Tools
The calculators and financial planning tools provided on are for educational purposes only. They are not meant to be used in substitution for professional or legal advice and should not be used as such. Should you choose to use anything available on as a substitute for sound professional or legal advice, Smartland® holds no liability for the outcome.
Price Listings
Any real estate, rent, or ROI price listed on is solely for informational purposes and is by no means final. A final offering price cannot be agreed upon until the date of purchase. A final rent price cannot be determined until the property has been tenanted. Due to market shifts, no ROI can ever be guaranteed at any time.
Investment Disclosure
While every effort has been made to provide accurate and reliable projections, any investment contains risk. There is no implied or expressed warranties on the information and materials in this site. The information and materials are provided “as is.” Any investments made by you should only be made after consulting with your professional advisers such as your attorney and your accountant. There is no assurance that the value of the real estate will be sufficient to return any portion of the investors’ original capital. Smartland®, its owners, officers and employees specifically disclaim any liability, loss, or risk, personal or otherwise, incurred directly or indirectly as a consequence of the reliance upon any information contained on this website. Smartland® and its owners, officers and employees intend that the information contained on this website shall be accurate and reliable. However, errors sometimes occur. Smartland®, its owners, officers and employees do not warrant that the projections contained in the materials will be error-free and that inaccurate projections will be corrected. All real estate investments involve different degrees of risk. You should be acutely aware of your financial status and risk tolerance level at all times. Furthermore, you should read all agreements, contracts, documents and representations carefully before making any investment decisions. You are free at all times to accept, reject or stipulate any and all investment recommendations made by the document originator. All real estate Investments presented herein are subject to market risk and may result in the entire loss of your investment. Smartland® expressly does not guarantee against losses arising from market conditions Smartland®, its owners, officers and employees and its employees do not warrant or represent that the materials in this site are correct, accurate or reliable. If you live in a state that does not allow disclaimers of implied warranties, our disclaimer may not apply to you.
All real properties listed on are located in the Northeast Ohio area. Smartland® does not sell, manage, or renovate real properties in any other geographic region. However, this does not limit investors to only those residing in the Northeast Ohio area. Smartland® encourages investors from all countries and regions to invest in the properties available through Smartland® and its website.
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The terms and conditions of are subject to change at any time deemed appropriate by Smartland®. Any changes to the terms and conditions will be reflected in an update of this page. Smartland® is not obligated to notify users of any changes made and visitors are held to the terms and conditions current at the time of access. advises visitors to regularly review our terms and conditions.
Additional Questions
If you have any additional questions regarding the terms and conditions of, please do not hesitate to contact us at (216) 677-9676.